Geology of the Cities of the World FAQ

The following questions were answered by the Geology of the Cities of the World Co-Editor Ms. Teresa Cordaro. Please contact her directly via email if you have specific questions not addressed below.

    1. Question:         Will the paper be published at a permanent web site?

      Answer:            Yes, the papers are to be available either through the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG) website or via GeoscienceWorld. The final resolution of the paper will be decided with the advise and consent of the AEG Executive Council, AEG Communications Director, and Co-Editors of Environmental & Engineering Geoscience (E&EG).

    2. Question:         Are there any free reprints of hard copies for all authors?

      Answer:            No, the Geology of the Cities of the World electronic series is paper free. We do not send out reprints and do not have a budget for that activity. It is our understanding that the lead author for papers published by E&EG will be shipped free twenty reprints of their paper. The lead author is free to distribute the reprints as he or she sees fit. The papers will all be on the CD and PDF files. Once the papers are transferred to a PDF format after they have been accepted finally by the Geology of the Cities of the World team, we will have them linked to our web page. This is to be a continuous process as we move forward and after we have verified that this is acceptable to E&EG and AEG.

    3. Question:        Some professors would like to view some of the publication products or the sample URL location (examples of previous cities papers) before making a decision on writing a paper?

      Answer:           A copy of the Geology of Los Angeles is available for review. To find some of the papers contained in the series Geology of the Cities of the World please log into the AEG website and link to then follow the cues and type in “Geology of Los Angeles”, or “Geology of Plymouth, England”, “Geology of Las Vegas” etc. Please note that some of the papers from South Africa were not published in E&EG and will not be found on GeoscienceWorld. The Lima, Peru paper is not on the GeoScienceWorld website at this time but the abstract is posted.

    4.  Question:        Is the Geology of the Cities of the World CD included in the International Scientific Index or similar citation vehicle?

      Answer:           No, this is one issue that has come up that is rather important to some authors and potential authors. First please note we are not creating a journal. Our goal is to generate a collection of electronic papers and related text in an e-book (or close proximity) format. This is seen as a step up from the 2006 CD Geology of the Cities of the World. The E&EG is included in the International Scientific Index (Index).

This may be of value in helping staff in certain organizations such as geological surveys or universities gain merit for promotion or partially fulfilling a periodic publishing requirement. At present we (the Geology of the Cities of the World project) are not included in the Index. What I suggest is that those parties that are seeking to have their paper published in a journal included in the Index is that they confirm that they would like their paper published in both E&EG and Geology of the Cities of the WorldThis means that the authors must work in a timely and cooperative manner with the editors and peer reviewers.
NOTE: all submittals of papers are to be submitted electronically. No hard copy only submittals are accepted for E&EG or Geology of the Cities of the World series. It is also our intent to keep the E&EG editorial team apprised of our activities and to share resources when appropriate and available.

BEFORE you start…please make sure you are satisfied with where the paper may be published. I have not published with certain entities in the past over issues such as responsiveness of the publisher, or the publisher requiring fees and limits to the use of color, especially in an invited paper. I suggest that if you wind up writing a paper for another publication, then maybe a more focused paper could be written for Geology of the Cities of the World series that points to your other paper but is focused on the needs of the communities mentioned above. If you do not write and submit the paper to us, please write and submit it someplace and then let us know what you had published as well as when and where.