Virginia Geologist Workgroup
The certification of Geologists is under the threat of elimination in Virginia by the Governor’s policy on occupational regulation. During the 2023 General Assembly, a Bill was introduced that called for the elimination of the Certification of Geologists in Virginia. This created a ground swell of support for maintaining Virginia’s certification program and the Bill was defeated for the calendar year (Passed by Indefinitely) due to a successful letter campaign. Seizing on the support garnered during the 2023 General Assembly, a small group of Geologists (The Virginia Geologist Workgroup) along with the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG) have banded together to pursue legislation that strengthens the certification and practice of geology within the Commonwealth. We appreciate your support. Click here** to donate to continue certification and promote licensure of geologists in Virginia for protection of the public welfare and the safeguarding of life, health, property, and the environment. Donate Online Now**If you prefer to send your donation via check, please mark “Virginia Geologist Workgroup” in the memo field and mail to: AEG Headquarters Geology Bills in Virginia - 2023 Update |