Embracing Vapor Barriers in Brownfield Redevelopment: A Vital Step Towards Environmental Safety

Embracing Vapor Barriers in Brownfield Redevelopment: A Vital Step Towards Environmental Safety

By: Robert Carvalho, P.G. CPG-10588, CEO/President at EAI, Inc. 
and member of AEG and the New York - Philadelphia Chapter

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The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Geoscience Research and Reporting


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Talking Science

Talking Science

It is common to make small talk at the gym, hair or nail salon, cocktail parties with new acquaintances or seasonal neighborhood gatherings.  Inevitably someone asks “What do you do for work?”  As a geologist, you have probably perfected your answer to include a few details of your day-to-day job to help folks not working in the industry understand your work.  Considering that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are about 32,000 geologists in the USA versus the over 2 million engineers, you are probably the first geologist this person has ever met. 

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What is ABET and Why Should I Care

What is ABET?
ABET is a nonprofit, non-governmental agency that provides voluntary accreditation to college or university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology. This accreditation is assigned to the program not the institution.  ABET also offers the opportunity to provide specialized accreditation for post-secondary programs within degree-granting institutions already recognized by national or regional institutional accreditation agencies or national education authorities worldwide. 

ABET has been accrediting programs since 1932 with approximately 175,000 students graduating from ABET-accredited programs annually.  As of May 2023, they have 4,564 accredited programs worldwide, 895 institutions with accredited programs in 40 countries.

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The Value Provided by Professional Associations

The ability to learn and grow within any profession is critical to a long and vibrant career.  Professional associations were founded to support their related industries and the individuals who work within them.  Involvement in a Professional Association can help you learn and grow in your personal and professional life.  When researching applicable Professional Associations for your field, it is wise to learn about the associations and the various benefits provided.

1.Professional Development
Growing in your career path personally and professionally is the primary reason many individuals join professional associations.  Associations provide timely information relevant to the state of the profession through journals, magazines, and other professional publications online and in print.  Association members generally receive benefits for publishing articles in their association publications with the added benefit of boosting their company, work or research and personal brand.  Access to case studies and research is not only available in print but most associations host live webinars and conferences (virtual and in-person) that present targeted information focused specifically on key aspects of the profession. 

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Ancient Concrete: How it Stood the Test of Time

Ancient Concrete: How it Stood the Test of Time
By Dale Andrews


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Navigating your early career with AEG

By Bodie McCosby – AEG Early Career Ambassador ’22-‘23

Navigating the first stages of your career can be a daunting endeavor. What will the first year look like? What should you expect in terms of industry standards, best practices, compensation and benefits? What even is there to do with a geology degree? The steps into your career in environmental and engineering geology are many and varied. But fear not, for if you have found yourself reading this, rest assured that you are in the right place. Whether you are a student, a recent graduate, or a transplant from a related or entirely different field, the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG) is the ideal home base to guide you through your early career needs.

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The Jahns Distinguished Lecturer

The Jahns Distinguished Lecturer, named for Dr. Richard H. Jahns (1915-1983), was established in 1988 by AEG in co-sponsorship with the Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America (GSA) to present an annual series of lectures at academic institutions, thus increasing student and young professional awareness about careers in Engineering Geology.

About Richard H. Jahns

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The Life of a Traveling Geologist

CPT Pushing in Pure Michigan
Written by: Luke Ducey (WSP USA)

It feels like yesterday I got a phone call from the head of the Geotechnology’s geotechnical division concerning my workload in November and December, and if I could go do Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) in Michigan for “a while.” At Geotechnology, there were only two trained operators for the massive, 40,000 lb CPT rig and I am one of them. After being reassured I would be home for the holidays and not miss a thing, I said, “I’m in.”

CPT (cone penetration testing) is a direct push rig that pushes a cone tip vertically into the ground to collect load cell data, think pushing a piece of spaghetti into a cake. Before starting a location, it is important to have the utilities cleared, cone hooked up, rig leveled to ensure a stable push platform, computer software operational with the proper job number/ hole number and the cone cleaned and assembled.

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Amazing Geology Destinations to Visit During Leaf Season

Another beautiful leaf season has arrived. Imagine the enjoyment and awe-inspiring beauty of driving through the stunning leaves. Here are five destinations with amazing geology that will also scratch your leaf-viewing itch for 2022.

Bar Harbor, Maine
Take a trip to Bar Harbor, Maine. The fall foliage will be dramatic and breathtaking. While you’re here visit the geologic treasure that is Acadia National Park. It is one of the top ten most visited parks in the United States. Watch the first sunrise in America from the rocky shoreline on Ocean Drive; then drive, bike or walk around the park taking in the spectacular views. The park boasts 16-foot-wide broken stone roads, which are, often referred to as an engineering wonder. Local workers quarried granite on Mound Desert Island to build the network of roads as well as 17 stone bridges.

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Geology Podcasts

By Sarah Kalika

Sometimes you just want to hear people talk about science.  If you’re like me (unapologetic nerd, particularly about geologic topics) and find yourself looking for some geology-themed audio for your road trips, commute, or just to fill some spare time with learning - check out these geology podcasts and YouTube series!  These are available wherever you get your podcasts, with more information online at their individual websites.

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Why You Should Always Use Remote Sensing Data

Ben Haugen, M.S.
Business Development Director – Geohazard Asset Management and Monitoring
[email protected]

Remote sensing technologies (including lidar, radar, satellite and aerial imaging, and others) have been used in the Engineering Geology field for decades. What has changed in recent years is that remote sensing is an almost ubiquitous, if not indispensable, tool for almost every project. From basic initial desktop studies and site investigations to massive infrastructure design and construction projects, remote sensing data can provide critical information that engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers need. In fact, I would argue that not including some form of remote sensing data in nearly every project would, at best, be foolish and at worst, criminal.

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Take a Friend or Student into the Field

(by William Godwin)

Being stuck inside doing research, managing projects or conducting online conferences can fulfill your job requirements or get you a promotion. However, if you are like me, you went into geology to be able to get outdoors, get some exercise and see geologic processes firsthand. The outdoors, whether in the high plains of Nebraska, the coastal plains of North Carolina or the cinder cones of central Oregon is a geologist’s laboratory. No need for a white lab coat!

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Your Professional Career Box Score

Original Blog Posted December 2020
Your Professional Career Box Score

I would like for all my geology colleagues to take just a few minutes and ask yourself a somewhat reflective and philosophical question. The answer of which may help you to define and realize the goals of your career, allowing you to maximize your professional potential. That question is; “What will the box score of your professional career read like?” Many of you senior geologists that are career focused will have already considered that question and are working hard to fulfill your career and professional goals. But some of you are likely to be focusing on your family, their education, work and many other of life’s demands that all of us deal with. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, especially when your children are young and I highly encourage you to make the most of the “golden years of parenthood.”

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Seabed mining: Environmental cost to meet demand for renewable energy technology

AEG Blog by William Godwin, PG, CEG. Past President of AEG


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How to Attend an AEG Chapter Meeting

By Phyllis Steckel, RG
AEG Region 7 Director

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AEG Celebrates Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

By William Godwin

This month is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. In honor of the geoscientists living along the “Ring of Fire”, AEG is providing some background on geologic hazards and events that have impacted humans in the Circum-Pacific area.

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Radon Investigation and Remediation

This blog originally appeared on July 6, 2021 and has been reissued.


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Be Prepared: Make an AEG Go Bag for Your Chapter Meetings

By Phyllis Steckel, RG; AEG Region 7 Director

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Applied Geologists and Geologic Hazard Assessment

This blog originally appeared on April 6, 2020 and has been reissued.

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