Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising with AEG

As the leading organization for applied geology, AEG offers sponsors and advertisers the opportunity to reach a targeted audience for their products and services. Over 2,600 AEG members actively practice in the areas of engineering geology, environmental geology, and hydrogeology. Most of our members are practicing professional geologists with the responsibility for selecting contractors and subcontractors, so AEG is a great place to showcase your products and services to find new customers.  Members regularly purchase software, field equipment, instrumentation, office and field supplies, geologic support services, analytical environmental and geotechnical laboratory services. 

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities 

Corporate sponsorships demonstrate vendor commitment to advancing the field of applied geology and creates high visibility for sponsoring companies within the AEG membership. Our members appreciate companies that support their professional organization. 
AEG has multiple ways to reach your target audience; by becoming a corporate sponsor, you can take advantage of the opportunity to be featured in multiple outlets and put your company name in front of our members throughout the year.  AEG offers several levels of sponsorship, but they all have one goal: to keep the sponsor’s name in front of our members and to bring you business.  

Packages start as low as $500To view all the benefita corporate sponsorship has to offer, click here 

AEG also appreciates that not all companies provide nationwide service. Sponsorship opportunities are available to provide local support to AEG Chapters in those areas your company is present in while receiving national recognition for that support. Contact us and we will develop a customized sponsorship that provides the attention your company deserves. 
"I appreciate when my vendors care enough to support my association. This makes a difference when I make a decision on who to call next to place an order." —Rick Kolb—MACTEC 

For more information, contact [email protected].

Advertising Opportunities in the AEG News 
AEG is not only committed to helping our members accomplish their goals, but we want our sponsors & supporters to succeed as well! Don’t miss your chance for exposure to tons of readers that are looking to find out more information on the Annual Meeting and other AEG happenings 

Don't miss your chance to reach such a vast, influential audience! Place an ad in the next edition of the AEG News. Click here for ad rates and more details. 

Corporate Sponsors

Everest Robert Carvalho
[email protected]
Denali Tim Shevin | 503-423-7258 [email protected] 
Denali Bill Male | 905-669-2280 x 343 [email protected] 
Denali Mike Koutsourais, PE 
[email protected]
Denali  Yvette Bordeaux, PhD
Glacier Peak

[email protected]

Glacier Peak

David Decker
[email protected]


Sarah Kalika
[email protected] 


Eldon Gath, President
[email protected]