OEEG Project Award

The Outstanding Environmental and Engineering Geologic Project Award was established in 1993 to recognize a project that meets the following criteria: 


  • Displays national or international significance.
  • Demonstrates the application of principles of environmental and/or engineering geology to the solution of a problem affecting the public.
  • Shows recognition of and respect for the environment, history, and culture of the project area.
  • Provides an opportunity for education in environmental and engineering geology, environmental issues, or culture and history of the area.

What is included with this award (what do we get when we win?):

  • The award includes a large brass plaque (to be displayed on the project site/facility) and several smaller brass plaques to be presented at the Annual Meeting. The dedication date on the plaque shall be the date of the Opening Session of the AEG Annual Meeting.
  • Opportunity to present an oral summary (using Powerpoint slideshow or similar) of the project for approximately 20 minutes during the Opening Session of the Annual Meeting during which the project is announced.
  • Opportunity to prepare a written article to be published in the AEG News December issue following presentation of the award (draft due in mid-October)

Nomination Process & Deadline:

Nominations for this award should be submitted for consideration by the Board of Directors during their mid-year meeting (generally held in April).  Nominations should be received within the timeframe for adequate document transmittal, preferably at least 90 days prior to the meeting.

Submit a Nomination

The Board of Directors will consider each nominee during the mid-year meeting.  A formal presentation to the Board is not necessary, as the Board will review and consider the written nominations prior to a vote.  

The nominees will be informed by the AEG President of the Board of Directors’ decision within 2 weeks following the mid-year meeting. 

Nomination Requirements:

The OEEG Award Nomination submission should include the following items:

  • Name of the Project and location
  • Name of the nominating group or individual contact person (including contact information, email and phone preferred)
  • Brief description (a few paragraphs) describing why this project has been nominated and how it meets the criteria.  This shall be as detailed as the nominating group deems necessary to provide sufficient background information for the Board of Directors to decide whether the project is worthy of the award.
    • Examples of information that would be helpful:
      • Project description
      • Problem solved
      • Environmental and/or engineering geologic principles applied
      • Protection and enhancement of the environment
      • Benefit to the public
      • How this project contributes to the advancement of the public's understanding of geology and engineering geology
      • How this project contributed to the enhancement of local cultural and historical understanding
      • Project photographs

What happens after a project is selected by the Board of Directors:

Following notification that the OEEG Project has been awarded, the person / group responsible for the submittal shall appoint a representative to prepare the following and send to AEG’s Meetings Manager ([email protected]) no later than 90 days prior to the Annual Meeting:

  • Name of individual who will give an approximately 20-minute oral presentation during the Opening Session of the Annual Meeting (strongly recommended, but not required to receive the award)
  • Written article, with photographs, to be published within the AEG News.  See AEG News publishing guidelines for imagery resolution and publishing requirements.
  • Wording for proposed citation for large plaque.
  • Proposed public location of plaque.
  • Name, title, and contact information of project honorees so a formal invitation to the Annual Meeting can be coordinated with AEG’s Meetings Manager

Selection Procedure:

  • Only one project may be designated per year.
  • Projects may be nominated by anyone, but must be approved by the AEG Board of Directors.
  • Nomination documentation must be sent to the President & Association Manager at least 30 days prior to the mid-year Board meeting, or within the document submittal requirement.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can I submit a portion of a larger project for this award? 
    • Yes! Past awards have included smaller portions of a larger project or specific specialized solutions.
  • Can I submit a regional effort as a project award nomination? 
    • Yes! Past awards have included a regional groundwater cleanup effort and a mine reclamation program covering many individual locations.
  • Can I submit the same project again? 
    • NO! If an award has already been bestowed, the same project cannot be submitted again unless there has been a recent addition or large-scale repair/update. 
  • Can I submit a project again, that was not previously awarded?
    • Yes! The Board often receives two or more nominations to consider and can only choose one per year.  If a project has not received the award, the project can be submitted again.     


1993 The San Antonio River Walk, San Antonio, Texas
1994 Interstate Highway 70 through Glenwood Canyon, Colorado
1995 The West Coast Basin, Dominguez Gap, and Alamitos Seawater Intrusion Barrier System, Los Angeles, California
1996 No Award Bestowed
1997 Westside Light Rail Transit Tunnel, Portland, Oregon
1998 Spirit Lake Memorial Highway (State Route 504), Gateway to Mount St. Helens, Washington State
1999 Inland Sea Shorebird Reserve, Mining with Environmental Enhancement, Salt Lake County, Utah
2000 Silicon Valley Groundwater Cleanup Project, California
2001 Weldon Springs Site Remedial Action Project, Missouri
2002 Sparks Marina Park, Sparks, Nevada
2003 Lachine Canal – Revitalization of the Canal and Neighborhood, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2004 Ford Rouge Center and Dearborn Truck Plant
2005 Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, Nevada
2006 Boston's "Big Dig" (No award - presentation only)
2007 Metro Red Line Subway, Los Angeles, California
2008  Strategic Petroleum Reserve U.S. Department of Energy, Gulf Coast USA
2009  Devil’s Slide Tunnel Project, California 
2010  George Washington Memorial Parkway, Arlington, Virginia: Innovative Rock Slope Stabilization 
2011  Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, Alaska
2012 San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Seismic Safety Project, California
2013  Elwha River Restoration Project, Washington
2014 The Hoover Dam Bypass Project, Arizona and Nevada
2015 No Award Bestowed
2016 The US 89 Bitter Springs Landslide Repair, Arizona Department of Transportation
2017 Colorado Inactive Mine Reclamation Project
2018 The Calaveras Dam Replacement Project, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
2019 The Tennessee Valley Authority Boone Dam Internal Erosion Remediation Project, Kingsport Tennessee
2020 2018 US Route 30 Emergency Landslide Remediation Project
2021 The San Antonio River Improvements Project

Lake Mead Intake No. 3 and Low Lake Level Pumping Station


Historic Columbia River Highway and State Trail
(Historic US Route 30)